Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tummy Tuesday and a Prize!

If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.
-Mark Twain-

This is one of my favorite things from Mr.Tigger and Samantha's prizes
that the man in the blue shorts brought to us yesterday.

It's a blue crinkly bag! It makes a nice sound.
Timothy was *in* it this morning, but he had to go to the VET
for a UTI that had to be taken care of. He is better now and has some
medicine that should make him well. I may not let him get back in the bag.

~ Maggie Mae


  1. Oh Maggie Mae, you look so cute playing with the crinkle sack! Tigger and I are glad you and Timothy like it!
    Your FL furiends,

  2. Oh, a crinkle sack! Toys that make interesting noises are extra-fun.

  3. You really seem to enjoy your new crinkly sack!

  4. Maggie Mae, your white floofy tummy is just as cute and sweet as ours!

    Laila and Minchie

  5. u got sum grate prizez mm.
    i think i wood like a crinkly sack!

  6. Those sacks look neat!! We are all way too big to fit in one though.

  7. Lovely tummy, Maggie Mae! :) Crinkle sacks are wonderful. :)

    Sending healing purrs out to Timothy.


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