Saturday, April 12, 2008

Photo Hunt ~ Twisted

~ Dare to be brave ~

Run. Run fast as you can!
See that Vishus Deer??

Well, we don't really need to be brave around our friend the deer. She and all of her friends come right up to us. We think, sometimes, they would jump right in our yard!

We're waiting for some sweet feed!
See the orange rope TWISTED on the fence?
That is where Mom had to tie it to a pole to keep the dogs from getting in and chasing us. They got in three times!
The v-e-t had to come see about me. My leg was hurting bad.

See the fur on the fence? That is where we rub our Winter coats off. The birds use it for their nests.

~ Patrick and Bob (keeping an eye on the vishus deer)
More Photo Hunters HERE!


  1. That's a very cool entry. Love the fur on the fence that the birds use. Nature really is amazing!!

    Mine's up over at: Flo's Place

  2. Very clever! Love the "vishus" deer :)

  3. Very interesting. Poor goats. I'm glad to know you found a way to keep those dogs away. Thanks for stopping by the creek - and especially for your prayers. Blessings!

  4. Nice take on the theme!
    I like the bit about the interesting!

  5. I like your twisted rope!

  6. You would think that twisted fence would keep those pesky dogs out as it does the deer. Hope your leg improves soon.

  7. I never realised teh birds used you fur for nesting. It's good to see good stuff not going to waste! Happy weekend

  8. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Those goats are so adorable. Now I know how goats shed their winter coat!

  9. Bob and Patrick! Hi!!! I see the vishus deer in the background. You are very brave. I am upset that your little leg got hurty. I hope it feels better now. Nobody better hurt my NOMSS friends, or they will have ME to answer to. And I am good at giving the bitey.

  10. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Hi! Waving from Australia. :) We enjoy catching up with your blog and that was a great PhotoHunt entry. :)

  11. Interesting fact about the fur, I didn't know that. Nice entry.

    Thanks for visiting mine.

  12. Great shots and very good choice!

  13. I like the TWISTED rope! That';s a cool take on the theme this week :)
    Purrs Mickey

  14. Anonymous11:15 PM

    That is cute and thanks for popping by my blog and leaving a comment

  15. You are brave goats. Dogs are more vishus than deer, and you were brave then, too.
    Courageous goats!

  16. I love that you pointed out the fur... how neat! Great picture!

  17. Anonymous8:33 AM

    hi Patrick & Bob! You are very brave to be friends with the Vishus deer! We hope your legs feels better soon.


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