Wednesday, May 16, 2007

This Is Maggie

~ Mankind's true moral test, its fundamental test
(which lies deeply buried from view),
consists of its attitude towards those who are at its mercy: animals,
And in this respect mankind has suffered a fundamental debacle,
a debacle so fundamental that all others stem from it ~

-- Milan Kundera --
This is Maggie.
She is an African Elephant. She lives alone in a zoo in Alaska
She has fallen/gone down twice this week for hours.

Friends of Maggie
is an organization dedicated to seeing that Maggie

is moved to one of four premiere institutions where
she can live in a warm climate with other female elephants.

take a few minutes and read a little bit
~ about Maggie ~

Thank you Lisa for caring about the Elephants!


  1. We have heard about Maggie before. So tragic. When I volunteered at the Dallas Zoo there were 2 female African elephants in a tiny enclosure who did not get along. Eventually, the younger one was sent to Walt Disney World to be part of the SSP breeding plan thankfully.

    Luf, Us

  2. Poor Maggie. :( I hope she gets reolocated to a better place!

  3. Oh no! Poor Maggie! She has to live indoors most of the time, and with no elephants to talk to?!? Elephants do not belong in the snow. I am very sad. Thanks for helping to publicize her plight.

  4. Thank you for putting Maggie up again on your blog. I am afraid the poor girl has just given up. So far all the tests are showing negative. I feel so bad for her.

  5. Hi -

    You said "Still trying to come up with something to do with cooking, since I don’t."

    How about sunbathing/tanning? Sun burn? That to be would be an idea for cooked or cooking... there is also slang forms for cooking such as "To happen, develop, or take place" and "To fabricate; concoct". Also - you could post along the lines of "I like my food uncooked" hehe a photo of a dish of uncooked food would work. Just a few ideas... maybe one will help.

  6. TNchick, You've given me an idea and I can still use my favorite subject:
    An animal, but I'll not be cooking it :)

  7. Poor Maggie! Sometimes I just don't understand people :( I hope she finds a better place to live.

  8. I'm sorry to hear about Maggie. I really hope that she can be sent somewhere she could be more comfortable. I wish her the best.

  9. It was just announced on the evening news here that the Alaska Zoo board of directors have voted to move Maggie to another (more southern) location where she can be with other elephants. Many, many Alaskans were among those who were pressuring the board to let Maggie go. I think the original idea of having an elephant at the zoo was to allow Alaskan children a chance to see a creature they normally would never see--rather like the way polar bears are displayed at zoos in warmer climates. But it became apparent to most of us that letting Maggie go is the kindest solution and we are pleased with the decision.


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