Saturday, February 04, 2012

Maggie Mae on Saturday

It's hard to be brave when you are only a Very Small Animal.
Hai Furriends..
I had a mass removed this past Thursday.
I do not think I like this collar, but my VET said
'Wear It'
Malachi is making sure I can get a drink of water,
but he did not let me drink too much.
I hope to have lots and lots of time to spend with
my furamily and my Mom Bobbie.
She loves me so much,
and I am a very brave little girlcat.
Hope everyfur has a nice weekend.
~ Maggie Mae


  1. We are all sending you tons of purrs and prayers sweet Maggie Mae. You are very beautiful even with your collar.

  2. We are sorry to heat that you are not feeling well. We are sending you lots of purrs and prayers and hugs. We hope you have a long time with your Mom Bobbie, too. Malachi is a good brother to watch over you!

  3. Maggie Mae, we're sending purrs and purrayers for your recovery and if the mass was malignant, we hope it's ALL gone now.

    *Kitty kisses*

  4. How wonderful you have sweet Malachi to watch over you, Maggie Mae! Lots of (((HUGS))) and purrs and prayers for your recovery, sweet girl.

  5. aww.. sorry to hear you had a mass, but good that it was removed and I hope you heal quickly and are feeling well soon.

    And you wouldn't have to wear the satellite dish if you would leave your incision alone you know..

  6. Maggie Mae we are sending healing and comforting purrs to you. Our paws are crossed that you will heal quickly and that the mass that was removed isn't anything to worry about. Hugs to a very brave little girlcat.

  7. Oh purrs to you! I hope that that mass was not a worry and that you heal quickly from where they stole it!

  8. Maggie Mae, I am sending you loads of my very best purrs. I hope you don't have to wear that collar for too long, and even more, I hope that mass doesn't amount to anything!

  9. Awwww beautiful and ever so sweet Maggie Mae! You are a brave and brilliant kitty! Me and Charlie are sending you lots of purrs and hugs! We are glad that lovely Malachi is there to look after you too! Yay! Rest and take things easy now! Take care

  10. Maggie Mae, we're sorry you had to have an operation but we're glad that mass is gone and we purr that you will be okay.

  11. We are sending healing purrs your way. That is a purrfect quote fur today's post. xoxo

  12. Good luck Miss Maggie Mae - we hope that you get a speedy recovery.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  13. Maggie Mae, you are very, very brave! I hope you are feeling all better soon!

  14. OMG! The collar is needed and soon you'll be fine!

  15. That is our ALL TIME FAVORITE Piglet quote!!!
    Maggie Mae, we hope you feel better soon.
    xo Katie & Glogirly


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