Sunday, January 04, 2009

Thank you so very much....

I know God will not give me anything I can't handle.
I just wish that He didn't trust me so much.

-Mother Teresa-

We want to thank everyone so much for the kind words.
It was hard to get up this morning without Bandit's
'Meoweee Get Up! Meoweee Get Up!'
We will miss him terribly **tears**
A big Thank You to KC for the graphic,
it is beautiful.
~ The Bunch, minus one
...and Momma Bobbie


  1. Anonymous12:26 PM

    We love your quote for today. Mom thinks of it often, as it is so true! (hugs)

  2. (((((Hugs from our house to yours!!!)))))) Your Quote is so true, too!
    Your FL furiends,

  3. {{{{hugs}}}} and purrs to you on your loss. Bandit will live on in your hearts.

  4. Oh no I missed your post yesterday. Our deepest regrets to you and your family. I know Bandit has lots of great friends waiting for him.

  5. One someone loses a furbaby...we feel like we've all lost one...

    Purrs to all of you...

  6. Our sincerest condolences to all of you. We didn't know that Bandit left yesterday. What a sad time!
    Purrs, Siena & Chilli

  7. We are so sorry to hear about Bandit. It is never easy to say goodbye. You were both lucky to have each other for many happy years of memories.
    Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

  8. I am saying a prayer for Bandit and you as I write this. It is hard on us when they go to the Bridge, but we know they wait patiently for us to come across the bridge. I lost my Melody in August, 2007 and it is hard yet, I sometimes think I hear her and it makes me cry, she was going on 17.

  9. We were so sad to hear the news- we didn't know until just now... i'm so so sorry.

    We will remember him- and will love him, and will meet again at the bridge...

  10. That is a beautiful quote. And we can imagine how hard it was to start the day without Bandit.

  11. That is a marvelous quote! Purrs.

  12. We know your suffering.
    Please know that we are praying for all of you
    Rest peacefully Bandit. I know he is snuggling with Caesar right now!
    When you are sorrowful
    look again in your heart,
    and you shall see that in truth
    you are weeping for that
    which has been your delight.
    ~Kahlil Gibran

  13. We misses Bandit too.
    Love & Purrs,

  14. The graphic for Bandit is so beautiful. That's a wonderful quote, also.

  15. Oh Momma Bobbie
    We did not know until we just came to visit. Our Momma's eyes are leaky and our hearts are filled with sadness for you and the Bunch. WE will keep you all in our prayers. The graphic is just beautiful and we will miss little Bandit one of our beautiful cow kitties....

    Hugs and purrs
    Abby,Boo,Ping,Jinx,Gracie and Mom Debra

  16. Anonymous3:04 PM

    One minus one body but not da spirit ... he still is there we kittehs know this.

  17. I know how much you loved him and how hard you worked at trying to find a cure for him. Unfortunately, we never get to keep them as long as we would like to. I always think of our departed kitties as becoming guardian angels who watch over our home--and apparently guide cats in need to our door. I know Bandit is watching over you now as you watched over him.

    I'm thinking of you a lot. Take care!

  18. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Sleep sound dear bandit and play well.
    We are sending warm hugs to you and energies to bandit to help that whisper happen a little more to comfort you :)))

    Vic and the MOmma

  19. (((Hugs)))

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  20. Just found out about Bandit from my visit to Laura's. I am so sorry for your loss of handsome Bandit. Love the "Swift Wings" post! I hope my Casper is romping with Bandit and the rest and waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge. My time and you other furry friends heal your heavy heart.

  21. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I just found out.I so sorry and sad....Hugs


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