Monday, November 03, 2008

Purrs and Prayers for our furiends

Friendship is the golden thread
that ties the heart of all the world.

-John Evelyn-
We see a lot of kittycats, woofers and a bun
(also our brofur Bandit) need our
purrs and prayers today on the
Cat Blogosphere
~ Anna Sue


  1. We are purraying for Bandit and all the other kitties, buns and woofies!

  2. We are still purring for Bandit!! Hope he is improving!
    ~The Creek Cats~

  3. It is very upsetting when any of our friends are ill. I am purring for Bandit and all the kitties that need our support.

  4. We feel like we are getting behind with all the purring. Sigh. I hope things start improving. We are purring extra hard right now for Bandit.

  5. Lots of purrayers and purrs needed. We're purring for Bandit and for all of the others who need purrayers.

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  6. Anonymous4:35 PM

    We's been wonderin bout Bandit. We keep purrin hard fer all da blogosphere furrys dat need the purrs.

  7. Anna Sue, you are so very sweet to purray for your friends!

  8. we're thinking of our friends too!

  9. You are so sweet, Anna Sue!

  10. We hope Bandit feels better soon. It's nice of you to care about all teh sick woofers and kittcats and bun.

  11. We Ballicai are purrin furry hard for our furriends!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  12. Keeping Bandit in my thoughts and prayers....

  13. We are purring and praying for all those in need!

  14. I have been keeping all of the sick kitties, woofies and other furries in my thoughts and prayers. I have been wondering about Bandit a lot. Has the Vet checked his kidney function? Poor Kitty!
    I'm sorry Mommy bumped her car into a deer. That happens a lot here too.
    I'm also sorry that she fell. I have RA too and I am so afraid of falling. I just know one of my hips will crumble! I can totally sympathize! Right now, my hands are throbbing, but I'm determined to visit as many friends as I can today.
    You are all in my thoughts.
    Hugs and Purrs,

  15. We still have Bandit in our purrs


  16. I can tell you are giving a very heartfelt prayer, Anna Sue.
    Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

  17. I'll send some rumbly purrs to help out. My sister Angel had a problem like Bandit's, she tested positive for mild pancreatitis. What helped her was giving her a Royal Canin wet food called Sensitivity Control, it has restricted protein and probiotics. She also had 3 daily doses of Pro-Kolin which is a kaolin paste with more probiotics, it tastes good too. Now she's ok as long as she doesn't have any food with oily fish in it or any food with red meat in it. It did take a while to stabilise her though.

    Hope Bandit can be helped soon, and all the other sick kitties and buns.

    Whicky Wuudler

  18. We want to thank you very much for your purrs and prayers for our Mom and your visit to our blog. Mom is a lot better now and we are purring and praying for all the sick kitties and woofies out there. Sure seems like a lot of them.

    Your Mom's accident with the deer reminded our Mom of the time she was coming home at night and she saw a deer coming at the car out of the corner of her eye. She expected it to hit the side of the car but nothing happened. Dad said it probably jumped over the car. She was glad it didn't hit the car, mainly because she didnt want the deer hurt.



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