Friday, November 07, 2008

Maggie Mae at vets. Possible stroke.

Everything a cat is and does physically is to me beautiful,
lovely, stimulating, soothing, attractive and an enchantment
-Paul Gallico-
Please send Purrs and Prayers to our
Maggie Mae.
UPDATE by Momma Bobbie
Doc is not sure if she had a stroke. When I found her earlier she was walking in circles, could not see.
Her temp was 106 when we got to vet. 103 at 4:00.
Will take again in a couple of hours.

We got back home, she did not walk in circles . I fed her, she ate like a horse.
She is walking around, appears she can see fine.

She is up here on the desk now.
Thank you all so very much for your Purrs, Prayers and concern for my girl!
What a great place The Cat Blogosphere is!!
Momma Bobbie


  1. Oh Maggie Mae! I do hope it isn't a stroke, poor girl, I will send extra rumbly purrs to her and you all.

    Whicky et al

  2. Oh no! We are purraying really hard for Maggie Mae!

  3. Maggie Mae we are praying very hard for you.


  4. O, Maggie Mae, we's all purring and purraying so hard fur you's.
    Pleeze be okay. Pleeze.
    Love & Purrs,

  5. Oh, no! We are sending purrs, hugs and tail wags. We so hope Maggie Mae is all right!

  6. We are purring so very hard for you Maggie Mae!

  7. We are purring for Maggie Mae. ~Hugs & Purrs, Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

  8. We're purring and purraying hard fur Maggie May...sure hope it's not a stroke!

  9. Lots of purrs and head butts from us!

  10. Beautiful Maggie Mae, be well.

  11. Oh no!! We will purr hard for you that you're OK!


  12. Oh Maggie Mae, Harley and I are linking paws and purring our very strongest purrs that you will be okay. We're thinking of you.

  13. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Maggie, we will purr extra hard and loud fer yoo to be okay!

  14. I am keeping a prayer vigil for you Maggie Mae....all my love and hope.Miss Peach

  15. Maggie Mae we are sending our most healing purrrrs and purrrayers to you! Purrrrrs, purrrrrs and hugs!!!
    Your FL furiends,

  16. Oh no! We're purring and purring and purrayingfor you, Maggie Mae! And let your heart be hopeful ... Mr. Milky had a stroke and he recovered with no problems whatsoever.

    Hugs & Purrs,
    & all of us at Artsy Catsy

  17. adding mine for Maggie Mae and for you too. ((hugs))

  18. We're sending loads of purrs and lots of purrayers for you, Maggie Mae. Please be ok!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  19. I'm so sorry, I hope she will be OK
    you have our deep purrs and prayers.

  20. Oh, Maggie Mae, we are all thinking of you and purraying real hard for you!


    Laila, Minchie and Mom Peggy

  21. Oh Maggie Mae, I am purring and purring real hard that you feel okay.

    Take care Bobbie, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

  22. Anonymous6:23 PM

    We is puuring very much for you!
    This must have all happened while we woz sleeping.
    It sounds like the update it good, I hope it is, we will still puur until your next Vet visit :))


  23. Maggie Mae, we are purring and praying for you. We are sending lots of love your way.

  24. We are purring and praying for you Maggie Mae.

  25. We got here in time for the update, which is hopeful, but we'll keep purring and purray for Maggie May to be well.


    Gypsy & Tasha

  26. We're glad to read this update. We hope Maggie Mae will be fine.

    Purrs and tail wags from all of us. Except Jan. She sends hugs.

  27. Purr Purr Purr, Sounds like you are feeling a bit better, I hope you keep improving.

  28. Oh My! We were at the vets ourselves and didn't know about Maggie Mae! We are glad she seems to be doing better now, but we are gonna purr real hard for her! Keep improving Maggie Mae!!!!
    The Creek Cats and Maggie May

  29. We's purring and praying very hard for Maggie May. We hope she's not had a stroke. We're here for you.

  30. Oh no Maggie Mae! We are glad that we were able to see the update. We will keep purring just to make sure you get back to your usual full health.

  31. We are glad to hear you are feeling better. Our purrs and prayers are with you sweet Maggie May.

  32. We're wondering if she have a seizure instead of a stroke.

  33. Glad there is some good news in the Cat Blogosphere. We'll keep purring and purraying for sweet Maggie Mae.
    Love & Purrs,
    Missy Blue Eyes
    Faith Boomerang
    Mommie ML

  34. Thanks for the update ... we'll keep on believing everything will be okay!

  35. Oh my goodnesss, that is so scarey. We're purrin' for you, Maggie Mae.

    The Crew

  36. Oh my goodness! That is way too scary! You hang in there Maggie May!

    Purrs and hugs!

    Luf, Us

  37. Maggie May we are glad to hear you feel a bit better now. I am gonna send you some purrs and hugs from across the ocean.

    Poppy and Mum Q

  38. I do hope it wasn't a stroke after all. I am glad to hear that Maggie Mae is doing better and can see OK. I'll keep her and you in my thoughts and prayers.

  39. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Oh dear, Maggie Mae! We are glad you are better. We will be purring our very best purrs.

  40. I am so glad to learn that Maggie Mae is doing better. Those symptoms would be so scairty! I wonder what it was?

  41. Now you take it real easy Maggie May, that sounded like a close call. I am very glad you are doing better now though. Rest, rest, rest!

    Whicky Wuudler et al

  42. Did he mention anything about Vestibular disease? Its a disease that makes them walk tilted like that and tends to suggest a stroke. There are medications drs. will give owners to help them through it- but these are things that can occur again. But as long as you know what it is- it makes it not AS scary the second time. Ask your dr. about the disease.

  43. So happy to know that Maggie Mae is doing better.

  44. Purrs and prayers to you Maggie, what a pretty cat.


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