Sunday, September 14, 2008

Pixie has gone to The Bridge

Rest In Peace, Sweet Pixie

Our friend Pixie has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. She was Daisy's sisfur and for six years had suffered with with feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. We know Daisy will miss her so, and we will, too. We will try to eat a bananer in her memory. We know Momma will think of her every time she eats a bananer.
We'll see you at The Bridge, Pixie..


  1. We are so sorry to hear about this. We are sure there are plenty of bananers on the Rainbow Bridge.

  2. We learned about this first thing this morning and were quite upset to hear about it.

  3. Anonymous8:49 AM

    The mom gotted leaky eyed when she read this news too. Even my little girl bean gotted upset.

    ~ Molly ~

    (((HUGS))) we feel like hugging all our friends today!

  4. what a sad sad day this was. No more furbabies should be lost. I'm going to start a petition. You'll see. We'll stop all this animal suffering nonsense.

  5. poor poor pixie. I feel so sad for daisy. I think we shall buy some naners and eat them all week in memory.

  6. Thank you for your lovely post for Pixie. Your thoughtfulness during this sad time is greatly appreciated.


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